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Memorials Published in the American Mineralogist

[revised 01/02/2020]

Any member of the Mineralogical Society of America (MSA) can be considered for a memorial in American Mineralogist. An inactive past member may still be considered for a memorial depending on their contributions to the science and past participation in MSA. Because of the journal's audience, the memorial should focus on the scientific and professional accomplishments of the individual. 

Memorials should be submitted to Ann Benbow at the address below. An electronic submission is much appreciated. Ann Benbow will act as "associate editor" for the memorial, reviewing them for format and content before submitting them to the Editorial Office. Any recent memorial in the journal can serve as a model for format. If an individual's complete list of publications is submitted to accompany the article, and it is lengthy, select only a few to be published. The complete publication list will be made available as an MSA unpublished document. 

    Ann Benbow, Executive Director
    Mineralogical Society of America
    3635 Concorde Pkwy Ste 500
    Chantilly, VA 20151-1125 U.S.A.

    Phone: 703-652-9950
    Fax: 703-652-9951
    E-mail: abenbow@minsocam.org (abenbow@minsocam.org)

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