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Institutional Subscription Information

[revised 10/29/2020 ]
American Mineralogist, ISSN 0003-004x (paper); ISSN 1945-3027 (online) 
Volume number:
Volume 107 in 2022. 
Volume 108 in 2023. 

Subscriptions are by calendar year, but can start with any month. Subscribers whose payments are received in mid-year will have all back issues sent to them. 

2023 Print subscriptions include all 2023 print issues of American Mineralogist (ISSN 0003-004x), Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry  (ISSN 1529-6466), and Elements (ISSN 1811-5209) volumes published during the year, as well as electronic access to 1916-2023 (v1-v108) issues of the American Mineralogist (ISSN 0003-004x), 1974-2023 (v1-v87) issues of the Reviews in Mineralogy (1974-1999) and Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry (2000-), and 2005-2023 (v1-v19) issues of Elements (ISSN 1811-5209).

2022 Electronic-only subscriptions include access to 1916-2022 (v1-v107) issues of the American Mineralogist (ISSN 0003-004x), 1974-2022 (v1-v87) issues of the Reviews in Mineralogy (1974-1999) and Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry (2000-), and 2005-2022 (v1-v18) issues of Elements (ISSN 1811-5209).
Electronic Access:
The subscription includes electronic access to the online version of the American Mineralogist (1919-2022) (ISSN 1945-3027) and the Reviews in Mineralogy (1974-1999) and Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry (2000-2022) on the MSA website at http://www.msapubs.org and Elements (2005-2022) on the magazine's website http://www.elementsmagazine.org/archives/index.html>. The online versions contain all the material of the print versions. To start this service, include with your order either the IP or range of IP addresses covering your institution at the mailing address of the subscription.
Continued Access:
Continued Access only applies to institutions which have cancelled their subscriptions to all MSA content and have no current subscriptions remaining.  This does not apply if an institution is merely changing subscription agencies.

Perpetual access to all purchased content is not automatic and must be requested by the end user subscriber when confirming non-renewal.  On payment of an agreed annual fee, these institutions can have continued access to content published during the term of their subscription(s), if hosting electronically online with access by IP address continues to be the publishing mechanism.

Should MSA no longer retain the rights to publish the subscribed content, MSA cannot guarantee continued access but would make all reasonable efforts to negotiate such rights with any successor publisher.

MSA is an organization that has been in existence for over 100 years.  Still, “perpetual” is a long time and MSA uses third party services to preserve access to content subscribers have purchased in perpetuity if MSA ceases to exist.   MSA participates in the archiving project of Stanford University's LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keeps Stuff Safe) that allows libraries to make copies of materials to which they have subscribed using a special web crawler and store them on the LOCKSS network. Copies of material stored with LOCKSS can only be accessed by libraries who have previously purchased that material.
There are twelve (12) issues of American Mineralogist per year:
  • Starting with 2016 (vol. 101), electronic versions of American Mineralogist appear monthly with a link from http://www.msapubs.org.
  • Starting with 2016 (vol. 101), print copies of American Mineralogist appear as six (6) double issues: January/February (1-2), March/April (3-4), May/June (5-6), July/August (7-8), September/October (9-10), November/December (11-12).  Mailings are made about every eight weeks, with these double issue numbers, e.g., Jan/Feb (1-2), mailing the week of the 15th of the first month on the cover. Average weight of an issue is 2.8 lb. or 1.1 kg.
The Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry (RiMG) are printed when the corresponding short course is held. This can be anytime during the year, and the volumes appear on an irregular basis. You can check our website http://www.minsocam.org/msa/RIM/index.html to determine the latest volume so as not to claim non-existent volumes.
Elements is a bimonthly magazine.
Institutional Subscription Rates (Prices given are in US dollars):

 volume 107 (2022)
 volume 106 (2021)
 volume 105 (2020)
 volume 104 (2019)
 volume 103 (2018)
 volume 102 (2017)
print subscribers with US addresses
print subscribers with non-US addresses
electronic-only subscriptions

GeoScienceWorld Subscribers:
Subscribers to GeoScienceWorld (http://geoscienceworld.org) may purchase paper versions of the American Mineralogist and Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry to accompany their electronic access at preferential annual subscription rates of $275.00 (for 2022) for the American Mineralogist and $255.00 (2022) for Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry.
Late Renewal Fees:
A 20% surcharge for institutional subscribers renewing after January 31, 2022. Late institutional subscriptions are an extra expense requiring the purchase of extra inventory, processing and packing of back issues, and shipping at rates higher than the usual bulk periodical shipping.
Personal Subscription rates:
Personal subscription rates are available only to members of the Society for copies of the journal for their own use. See our Membership Application. Agencies can pay dues and subscriptions for members if accompanied by the membership information or renewal forms. 
Agency discount:
Subscription rates include shipping by surface mail. Foreign subscribers may have their journals sent by International Surface Air Lift (ISAL) for an additional US$45.00, or regular air mail for an additional US$150.00. 
Payment terms:
Subscriptions must be paid in advance. Pro Forma invoices can be sent if required. Payment can be made by by check, money order, UNESCO coupons, or Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, or UnionPay credit card.

Checks should be made payable to The Mineralogical Society of America. The checks need to be denominated in U.S. dollars, drawn on an U.S. bank, and have electronically readable routing and account information on the check.

For customers paying by bank draft, overseas money order, electronic transfer, or by any other indirect payment transfer:

  1. Include the MSA invoice number and your name in the bank transfer advice so that we will be able to  recognize your payment.   MAKE THESE THE VERY FIRST pieces of information in the advice field!  Banks often have a limited number of characters (15 of less) that can be included in this field.
  2. MSA will not accept any transfers that do not equal the amount due. This means that you must prepay any fees, otherwise the bank or any third party corresponding bank will subtract them from your remittance. ===>>> The best way to accomplish this is to instruct your bank that MSA must receive a certain dollar amount figure, not that you wish to send a certain dollar amount. If you do not prepay the fees, or your bank cannot transfer directly, please add US$30.00 to the amount of your invoice to cover these bank fees.

MSA cannot be responsible for currency sent through the mails.

Contact or Ordering address:
    Mineralogical Society of America
    3635 Concorde Pkwy Ste 500
    Chantilly VA 20151-1110
    United States of America
    Tel: +1 (703) 652-9950
    Fax: +1 (703) 652-9951
    E-mail: business@minsocam.org
    Internet Site: www.minsocam.org
Subscription cancellations are accepted anytime, but credit is not given for the remaining issues. 
Claims for replacement copies will be honored if the request is received within 120 days of the mailing date. An issue of the journal is generally mailed the month of its cover date. Send claims to:
    Mineralogical Society of America
    3635 Concorde Pkwy Ste 500
    Chantilly VA 20151-1110
    United States of America
    Tel: +1 (703) 652-9950
    Fax: +1 (703) 652-9951
    E-mail: claims@minsocam.org

If we record an excessive number of claims for an account, we will request that the correctness of the mailing address and the receiving procedures be checked and verified. If losses continue at a high rate, then, for any future claims for any issues, replacements will not be sent until a more secure address is provided to us. If the same address is to be used, or another unreliable address is supplied, we will require payment for any claim issues sent.

Back Issues
A limited number of back issue years (Volumes 101 (until 12/31/2019) and Volumes 102-105 are available from the Society) for the American Mineralogist are available from the Society at (Journal Back Issues).

Earlier volumes are available from Periodicals Service Company, 11 Main Street, Germantown, NY 12526, Ph: 518-537-4700, Fax: 518-537-5899, e-mail: psc@periodicals.com

Back issues of Elements are available from the Society at https://msa.minsocam.org/backissues.html

All back volumes of the Reviews in Mineralogy and Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry are available from the Society at http://www.minsocam.org/MSA/RIM/). Previously out-of-print Reviews volumes can be ordered in print or electronic versions at www.minpubs.org

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