139 | The effect of XPS background removing method on the appraisal of Ti and Fe: The case of phlogopites and brookite
Maria R. Guascito, Ernesto Mesto, Cosimino Malitesta, Rosaria A. Picca and Fernando Scordari
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157 | Perbøeite-(Ce) and alnaperbøeite-(Ce), two new members of the epidote-törnebohmite polysomatic series: Chemistry, structure, dehydrogenation, and clue for a sodian epidote end-member
Paola Bonazzi, Giovanni O. Lepore, Luca Bindi,
Christian Chopin, Tomas A. Husdal and Olaf Medenbach
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170 | Crystal structure and compressibility of lead dioxide up to 140 GPa
Brent Grocholski, Sang-Heon Shim, Elizabeth Cottrell and Vitali B. Prakapenka
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178 | A comparative analysis of the mechanical behavior of carbon dioxide and methane hydrate-bearing sediments
Masayuki Hyodo, Yanghui Li, Jun Yoneda,
Yukio Nakata, Norimasa Yoshimoto, Shintaro Kajiyama,
Akira Nishimura and Yongchen Song
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190 | X-ray absorption characterization of Cr in forsterite within the MacAlpine Hills 88136 EL3 chondritic meteorite
David A. McKeown, Andrew C. Buechele, Ryan Tappero, Timothy J. McCoy and Kathryn G. Gardner-Vandy
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198 | Monipite, MoNiP, a new phosphide mineral in a Ca-Al-rich inclusion from the Allende meteorite
Chi Ma, John R. Beckett and George R. Rossman
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225 | XAS evidence for Ni sequestration by siderite in a lateritic Ni-deposit from New Caledonia
Gabrielle Dublet, Farid Juillot, Guillaume Morin, Emmanuel Fritsch, Vincent Noel, Jessica Brest and Gordon E. Brown Jr.
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235 | Vladykinite, Na3Sr4(Fe2+Fe3+)Si8O24: A new complex sheet silicate from peralkaline rocks of the Murun complex, eastern Siberia, Russia
Anton R. Chakhmouradian, Mark A. Cooper, Neil Ball, Ekaterina P. Reguir, Luca Medici, Yassir A. Abdu and Anton A. Antonov
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242 | New mineral names
Dmitriy Belakovskiy, G. Diego Gatta and Fernando Cámara
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248 | Memorial of James Burleigh Thompson, Jr., 1921–2011
Charles W. Burnham, Stein B. Jacobsen, Ulrich Petersen and M.R. Van Baalen
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