Deposit Items for Volume 88, No. 4, April, 2003

Nicola Döbelin and Thomas Armbruster
Stepwise dehydration of Sr-exchanged heulandite: A single-crystal X-ray study   527

Item #AM-03-028

TABLE 3. Final atomic positional parameters and Beq2) values for fully hydrated heulandite-Sr measured at room temperature
TABLE 4. Final atomic positional parameters and Beq2) values for heulandite-Sr dehydrated at 100 °C, measured at -170 °C
TABLE 5. Final atomic positional parameters and Beq2) values measured at -170 °C
TABLE 6. Final atomic positional parameters and Beq2) values for heulandite-Sr dehydrated at 200 °C, measured at -170 °C
TABLE 7. Final atomic positional parameters and Beq2) values for heulandite-Sr dehydrated at 250 °C, measured at -170 °C
TABLE 8. Interatomic bond distances (Å) in the Si, Al tetrahedra of heulandite-Sr
TABLE 9. Anisotropic displacement parameters for experiment srh3_rt
TABLE 10. Anisotropic displacement parameters for experiment srh3_100
TABLE 11. Anisotropic displacement parameters for experiment srh3_150
TABLE 12. Anisotropic displacement parameters for experiment srh3_200
Dobelin_p527_03_Tables.doc Word document (192 K)

Bernardo Cesare, Giuseppe Cruciani, and Umberto Russo
Hydrogen deficiency in Ti-rich biotite from anatectic metapelites (El Joyazo, SE Spain): Crystal-chemical aspects and implications for high-temperature petrogenesis   583

Item #AM-03-026

Figures 2, 3, 7, 9, and 12 and Tables 2, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13
Cesare_p583_03_Figs-Tables.pdf (184 K)

Richard M. Thompson and Robert T. Downs
Model pyroxenes I: Ideal pyroxene topologies   653

Item #AM-03-027

Table 5. Structural parameters of ideal pyroxenes that have space groups other than Pc and repeat after twelve monolayers down a
Thompson_p653_03_Table5.pdf (32 K)

Table 6. Ideal pyroxenes with space group Pc, β = 90°, and a = 24(60.5)r/3.
Thompson_p653_03_Table6.xls Microsoft Excel Worksheet (148 K)

Maria Franca Brigatti, Stephen Guggenheim, and Marco Poppi
Crystal chemistry of the 1M mica polytype: The octahedral sheet   667

Item #AM-03-030

Table 1. Sample reference, composition, unit cell parameters and fractional atomic coordinates of atoms used in calculation (trioctahedral true micas-1M, space group C2/m).
Brigatti_p667_03_Table1.pdf (1.2 MB)

Figures 3, 4, 5, 12, 14, 16, 17, 20.
Brigatti_p667_03_Figs.pdf (148 K)

J. Brugger, Peter C. Burns, and N. Meisser
Contribution to the mineralogy of acid drainage of Uranium minerals: Marecottite and the zippeite-group   676

Item #AM-03-029

Table 6. Calculated and observed structure factors
Not received

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