Deposit Items for Volume 92, No. 10, October 2007

Michael E. Fleet and Xi Liu
Hydrogen-carbonate ion in synthetic high-pressure apatite   1764

Item #AM-07-032

Table 1. Powder X-ray diffraction data for bulk product of experiment LM003 and sodium hydrogen carbonate salt
Fleet_p1764_07_Table1.doc Microsoft Word (96 K)

F. Zeb Page, T. Ushikubo, N.T. Kita, L.R. Riciputi, and J.W. Valley
High-precision oxygen isotope analysis of picogram samples reveals 2 μm gradients and slow diffusion in zircon   1772

Item #AM-07-031

Table D1, Figures D1, D2, and D3. Oxygen isotope analyses by ion microprobe of the Daniel's Road Adirondack zircon
Page_p1772_07_Deposit.pdf PDF (412 K)

P.A. Candela, C.D. Crummett, D.J. Earnest, M.R. Frank, and A.G. Wylie
Low-pressure decomposition of chrysotile as a function of time and temperature   1704

Item #AM-07-030

Appendix I: The Table below give the most well-developed XRD peaks from which the minerals were identified and peaks from corresponding XRD reference patterns.
Appendix II. Starting materials, heating time, temperature, and Phases Observed.
Appendix III. Thetford Gradual Heating Experiment: Heat times, phases, and area intensity sums as a percentage of maximum intensity of each phase.
Candela_p1704_07_Appendices.doc Microsoft Word (280 K)

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