Deposit Items for Volume 93, No. 5-6, May-June 2008

M. Elliot Smith, Brad S. Singer, Alan R. Carroll, and John H. Fournelle
Precise dating of biotite in distal volcanic ash: Isolating subtle alteration using 40Ar/39Ar laser incremental heating and electron microprobe techniques   784

Item #AM-08-019

Table 1. Locations and descriptions of sampled tuff beds
Table 2. Complete 40Ar/39Ar results
Figure 1. Inverse isochron diagrams and apparent ages
Figure 2. Sanidine flux moniter and sample positions
Figure 3. Additional microprobe BSE images
Smith_p784_08_TablesFigures.pdf pdf (2.8 MB)

Sergey N. Britvin, Alla N. Bogdanova, Maya M. Boldyreva, and Galina Y. Aksenova
Rudashevskyite, the Fe-dominant analogue of sphalerite, a new mineral: Description and crystal structure   902

Item #AM-08-020

Supplementary Reflection Data
Britvin_p902_08_S1.doc Microsoft Word (36 K)
Britvin_p902_08_S2.doc Microsoft Word (64 K)
Britvin_p902_08_S3.doc Microsoft Word (64 K)
Britvin_p902_08_S4.doc Microsoft Word (68 K)

Daniela Pinto, Elena Bonaccorsi, Tonci Balić-Žunić, and Emil Makovicky
The crystal structure of vurroite, Pb20Sn2(Bi,As)22S54Cl6: OD-character, polytypism, twinning, and modular description   713

Item #AM-08-023

Table 3 Observed and Calculated Structure Factors
Pinto_p713_08_T3.doc Microsoft Word (6.1 MB)
Pinto_p713_08_T3.pdf PDF (963 K)
vurroite.cif Crystallographic Information Framework (44 K)
Pinto_p713_08_info.doc Microsoft Word (40 K)

Maria Franca Brigatti, Daniele Malferrari, Marco Poppi, Annibale Mottana, Giannantonio Cibin, Augusto Marcelli, and Gianfelice Cinque
Interlayer potassium and its neighboring atoms in micas: Crystal-chemical modeling and XANES spectroscopy   821

Item #AM-08-022

Table 1. Details for samples considered.
Brigatti_p821_08_Table1.pdf pdf file (64 K)
Appendix. Mathematical derivation and definitions for a selected number of parameters
Brigatti_p821_08_Appendix.pdf PDF (116 K)

Yu Nishihara, Toru Shinmei, and Shun-ichiro Karato
Effect of chemical environment on the hydrogen-related defect chemistry in wadsleyite   831

Item #AM-08-027

Table S1. Exponents for concentration of point defects in (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 minerals
Figure S1, S2, S3. OH concentrations
Nishihara_p831_08_TableFigures.pdf PDF (520 K)

István Kovács, Jörg Hermann, Hugh St.C. O’Neill, John Fitz Gerald, Malcolm Sambridge, and Gábor Horváth
Quantitative absorbance spectroscopy with unpolarized light: Part II. Experimental evaluation and development of a protocol for quantitative analysis of mineral IR spectra   765

Item #AM-08-021

Appendix 1. Angular variation of integrated absorbance in eleven arbitrary sections of the ‘Pakistani’ olivine.
Kovacs_p765_08_Appendix1.pdf PDF (2 MB)
Appendix 1. Linear polarized absorbance
Kovacs_p765_08_Appendix2.pdf PDF (532 K)

Stéphanie Duchêne, Elsa Pupier, Christian Le Carlier De Veslud, and Michael J. Toplis
A 3D reconstruction of plagioclase crystals in a synthetic basalt   893

Item #AM-08-025

Appendix. 2D length and width measured on polished sections
Duchene_p893_08_Appendix.xls Microsoft Excel (56 K)

Claire Carvallo, Philippe Sainctavit, Marie-Anne Arrio, Nicolas Menguy, Yuheng Wang, Georges Ona-Nguema, and Sandrine Brice-Profeta
Biogenic vs. abiogenic magnetite nanoparticles: A XMCD study   880

Item #AM-08-024

Appendix I: Calculations of the ion contributions
Carvallo_p880_08_Appendix1.pdf PDF (52 K)
Appendix Figure 1. X-ray diffractograms
Carvallo_p880_08_Figure1.pdf PDF (468 K)
Appendix Figure 2. Spectrum for the abiogenic magnetite
Carvallo_p880_08_Figure2.pdf PDF (120 K)
Appendix Figure 3. Resolution of the contribution from the three ions Fe2+(Oh), Fe3+(Oh) and Fe3+(Td).
Carvallo_p880_08_Figure3.pdf PDF (248 K)

Reinhard X. Fischer, Volker Kahlenberg, Dietmar Voll, Kenneth J.D. MacKenzie, Mark E. Smith, Bernhard Schnetger, Hans-Jürgen Brumsack, and Hartmut Schneider
Crystal structure of synthetic Al4B2O9: A member of the mullite family closely related to boralsilite   918

Item #AM-08-026

Crystallographic Information Framework file for synthetic Al4B2O9
Al4B2O9.cif Crystallographic Information Framework (4 K)

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