Deposit Items for Volume 96, No. 04, April 2011

M. Satish-Kumar, John A. Jaszczak, T. Hamamatsu, and H. Wada
Relationship between structure, morphology, and carbon isotopic composition of graphite in marbles: Implications for calcite-graphite carbon isotope thermometry   470

Item #AM-11-021

Figures 1–7 (Raw data and a detailed analysis of the Raman spectra). ZIP File (576 K)

Lixin Jin, Gernot Rother, David R. Cole, David F.R. Mildner, Christopher J. Duffy, and Susan L. Brantley
Characterization of deep weathering and nanoporosity development in shale—A neutron study   498

Item #AM-11-019

Table1: Scattering intensity (I) and sacttering vector (Q) for regolith and drilled core samples
Jin_p498_11_Table1.xls Excel File (184 KB)

A. Manceau
Critical evaluation of the revised akdalaite model for ferrihydrite   521

Item #AM-11-015

Supplementary materials, tables, and figures.
Manceau_p521_11_Supplement.pdf PDF (600 KB)

Kiyotaka Ishida and Frank C. Hawthorne
Far-infrared spectra of synthetic [4][(Al2-xGax)(Si2-yGey)] (OH,OD,F)2 -kinoshitalite: Characterization and assignment of interlayer Ba-Oinner and Ba-Oouter stretching bands   566

Item #AM-11-017

Figures 4 and 5, and Tables 2–4. ZIP File (2.2 MB)

Ferdinando Bosi, Giovanni B. Andreozzi, Ulf Hålenius, and Henrik Skogby
Zn-O tetrahedral bond length variations in normal spinel oxides   594

Item #AM-11-018

Crystallographic Information Files ZIP File (28 K)

Ulf Hålenius, Ferdinando Bosi, and Henrik Skogby
A first record of strong structural relaxation of TO4 tetrahedra in a spinel solid solution   617

Item #AM-11-022

Crystallographic Information Files ZIP File (28 K)

Mark D. Welch, G. Diego Gatta, and Nicola Rotiroti
The high-pressure behavior of orthorhombic amphiboles   623

Item #AM-11-020

Tables 4 and 5 and CIFs. ZIP File (56 K)

P. Bonazzi, L. Bindi, M. Muniz-Miranda, L. Chelazzi, T. Rödl, and A. Pfitzner
Light-induced molecular change in HgI2·As4S4: Evidence by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy   646

Item #AM-11-023

Crystallographic Information Files ZIP File (16 K)

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