The 1999 annual Business Meeting of the Mineralogical Society of America was held in the Colorado Convention Center, rooms C102-106, in Denver, Colorado, on Tuesday, October 26, 1999.


1. Call to Order

President William Carlson called the meeting to order at 4:50 PM, Tuesday, October 26, 1999, and requested that the Secretary's report be read. 2. Secretary's report Barb Dutrow read the Secretary=s report for the 1999 council year. Her report included: membership statistics; award recipients for next year; upcoming short courses and publications; MSA Lecturer-series lecturers for next year; change in coordinators for the lecture series; names of those members who died this past year with a moment of silence to mark their passing; MSA=s participation in the Goldschmidt conference next year; the new website; thanks to those active on committees; recognition of those award recipients honored earlier today at the awards luncheon; announcement of the officers and councillors elected in the spring ballot election; and the top 10 things she has learned while in office. The full text of the report will be published in The Lattice. 3. Treasurer's report Brooks Hanson read the Treasurer=s report. His report included: the savings to the society brought about by the editorial office converting to desk-top publishing; growth in the society=s budget despite a deficit in the operating budget over the past 4 years; change in personnel for MSA=s website; large number of Reviews in Mineralogy volumes proposed for 2000 and 2001; and the loss of international library subscriptions at a rate of about 30/year. The full text of the report will be published in The Lattice. 4. Editor of American Mineralogist report Robert Dymek read the Editor's report. His report included: American Mineralogist realized an expansion in the size of the journal in 1999 to 8 issues per year and to about 2000 pages; there was a greater participation by international authors; the submission-to-publication time decreased despite the increase in size of the journal; noted the special issues that have appeared or will shortly appear in American Mineralogist; manuscript submission and rejection statistics for 1999 were cited; and that the editorial office has now completely converted to desk-top publishing. The full text of the report will be published in The Lattice. 5. Questions and Discussion Pres. Carlson opened the floor for questions from the membership.

Some discussion ensued about the issue of obtaining reliable reviewers for manuscripts submitted to the American Mineralogist.

6. Adjournment

Pres. Carlson adjourned the meeting at 5:18 PM

Respectfully submitted,
David M. Jenkins, MSA secretary.

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