Corrections to Reviews in Mineralogy Volume 26 - Contact Metamorphism
Chapter 4 "Phase Equilibria and Thermobarometry of Metapelites", pages
David R. M. Pattison and Robert J. Tracy
1. (p. 129, middle): "The highest-grade reactions include fluid-conserving dehydration melting reactions."
2. (p. 136, reaction 1): "Ms + Chl + Qtz = And + Crd + Bt + H2O"
3. (p. 136, reaction 6): "Bt + Sil + Qtz = Crd + Grt + Kfs + melt"
4. (p. 142, reaction 3): "Ms + Chl + Grt + Qtz = St + Bt + H2O"
5. (p. 146, bottom): "allow testing of the calibration of the low-pressure metapelitic"
6. (p. 148, reaction 37: "Ms = Crn + Kfs + H2O"
7. (p. 154, first paragraph): "(Types 1a - 2a)"
8. (p. 155, last paragraph): Omit "the" from the following phrase: "st-crd-ms, it may be that the these assemblages were stabilized by minor components."
9. (p. 160, second full paragraph): Replace "Ky,Sil" with "Ky/Sil"
10. (p. 167, last line): "andalusite"
11. (p. 169, second line): "assemblages"
12. (p. 182, second line): Add "(18)" after the reaction "Bt + Al2SiO5 + Qtz = Crd + Kfs + H2O."
1. Fig. 35. Insert "above" into the expression ",accounting for the above topology of divariant"
2. Fig 35. Add at the end of the caption: "The majority of natural data support the topology in Fig. 36."
3. Fig. 53. Add ")" to "ms-qtz-and(sil)-kfs-crd-bt."
Fig. 33. Replace with the enclosed new Figure 33.
Fig. 47. Replace with the enclosed new Figure 47.
Fig. 48. Replace with the enclosed new Figure 48.
Table 3 (p. 118):
Phases always present: Bt + Qtz + (V or L) present in all assemblages
Kfs present in all assemblages upgrade
of reaction 5
Ms present in all assemblages downgrade
of reaction 5
Exclusions: Chl+Kfs, St+Kfs, Ms+Crd+St, Crd+Grt+Ms, Ms+Chl+Grt+Al2SiO5,
Hy+Ms, Hy+Al2SiO5, Hy+St
Corrected Figures
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