Corrections to Reviews in Mineralogy Vol. 43 รณ Stable
Isotope Geochemistry
Chapter 2 "Rates and Mechanisms of Isotopic Exchange"
Pages 83 - 223
David R. Cole and Sumit Chakraborty
On page 96, Figure 5: The y-axis on a should read from
0 to 60 per mil in 10 per mil increments; add (-) sign to y-axis in (b).

On page 121, Figure 15b: The label for the upper quartz-water
data should read 600oC, 24 hrs
On page 125, Figure 17: The y-axis units should read ln
(mole O/m2/s)
Table 2: Units for (CR) controlled exchange are moles
O (or H)/m2 /s
Table 3: Footnotes were inadvertently omitted during production
Pressures given as either total fluid, O2 or CO2
in some cases only partial pressures of O are given; some studies give
no details
Refer to footnote (c) Appendix 2, transport //c axis, (m
m,nm ) = grain size.
H2O=liquid water, O2=pure oxygen gas,
CO2=pure carbon dioxide gas, CO2:H2 O
mixture at 50:50, NaCl electrolyte at 6M concentration.
GB=grain boundary diffusion as described in the text, dislocation
refers to boundaries encountered in single crystals whose depth profiles
exhibit "tailing."
Refer to footnote (g) in Appendix 2.
Do = pre-exponential factor (D=Do exp(-Ea/RT)),
in cm3/s unless specified otherwise.
* in front of reference refers to a refitting of the diffusivities
as a function of 1/T.