Frank C. Hawthorne, Giancarlo Della Ventura, Jean-Louis Robert, Mark D. Welch, Mati Raudsepp, and David M. Jenkins
A Rietveld and infrared study of synthetic amphiboles along the potassium-richterite-tremolite join 708
Item #AM-97-641
TABLE 4. Atom positions for potassium-richterite--tremolite
TABLE 5. Interatomic distances (Å) for potassium-richterite--tremolite
Hawthorne_p708_97_T4-5.txt (8 K) text file
Nancy L. Ross
The equation of state and high-pressure behavior of magnesite 682
Item #AM-97-642
Table 4. Observed and calculated structure factors of magnesite.
Ross_p682_97_T4.pdf (5.7 MB) PDF
Paolo Orlandi, Marco Pasero, Giuseppe Duchi, and Filippo Olmi
Dessauite, (Sr,Pb)(Y,U)(Ti,Fe3+)20O38, a new mineral of the crichtonite group from Buca della Vena mine, Tuscany, Italy 807
Item #AM-97-640
Table 4. Observed and calculated structure factors.
Orlandi_p807_97_T4.txt (60 K) text file