Paola Bonazzi, Luca Bindi, and Giancarlo Parodi
Gatelite-(Ce), a new REE-bearing mineral from Trimouns, French Pyrenees: Crystal structure and polysomatic relationships with epidote and törnebohmite-(Ce) 223
Item #AM-02-020
Table 5. List of squared observed and calculated structure factors for gatelite
Bonazzi_p223_03_Tabl5.doc Word document (4.3 MB)
Andrew J. Locock and Peter C. Burns
The crystal structure of synthetic autunite, Ca[(UO2)(PO4)]2(H2O)11 240
Item #AM-03-021
Table 3. Anisotropic displacement parameters (Å2 x 103) for autunite
Locock_p240_02_Table3.doc Word document (28 K)
Table 4. Observed and calculated structure factors for autunite
Locock_p240_02_Table4.xls Excel document (208 K)