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American Mineralogist - November-December 2014 Data
2187 Optical absorption spectroscopy study of the causes for color variations in natural Fe-bearing gahnite: Insights from iron valency and site distribution data
Rosa Anna Fregola, Henrik Skogby, Ferdinando Bosi, Veronica D’Ippolito, Giovanni B. Andreozzi and Ulf Hålenius
Item #AM-14-1103
FregolaAM-14-1103.zip zipped (7 KB)
2196 | Si-magnetite nano-precipitates in silician magnetite from banded iron formation: Z-contrast imaging and ab initio study
Huifang Xu, Zhizhang Shen and Hiromi Konishi
Item #AM-14-1104
XuAM-14-1104.zip zipped (1 KB)
2203 | Ordering kinetics in synthetic Mg(Al,Fe3+)2O4 spinels: Quantitative elucidation of the whole Al-Mg-Fe partitioning, rate constants, activation energies
Filippo Parisi, Davide Lenaz, Francesco Princivalle and Luciana Sciascia
Item #AM-14-1105
Deposit Figures.
ParisiAM-14-1105.zip zipped (3.3 MB)
2227 | Etch-pit size, dissolution rate, and time in the experimental dissolution of olivine: Implications for estimating olivine lifetime at the surface of Mars
Michael A. Velbel
Item #AM-14-1106
VelbelAM-14-1106.zip zipped (530 KB)
2251 | A large spectral survey of small lunar craters: Implications for the composition of the lunar mantle
Paul G. Lucey, Jessica A. Norman, Sarah T. Crites, G. Jeffrey Taylor, B. Ray Hawke, Myriam Lemelin and H. Jay Melosh
Item #LuceyAM-14-1107
LuceyAM-14-1107.zip zipped (583 KB)
2272 | Slawsonite-celsian-hyalophane assemblage from a picrite sill (Prague Basin, Czech Republic)
Zuzana Tasáryová, Jiří Fr.da, Vojtĕch Janoušek and Martin Racek
Item #AM-14-1108
Appendix Table and Figure.
TasaryovaAM-14-1108.zip zipped (2.9 MB)
2337 | Energetics of heterometal substitution in ε-Keggin [MO4Al12(OH)24(OH2)12]6/7/8+ ions
Dana Reusser, William H. Casey and Alexandra Navrotsky
Item #AM-14-1102
Supplemental Figures and Tables.
NavrotskyAM-14-1102.zip zipped (1.1 MB)
2353 | Diagenetic formation of interlayer-deficient fluorophlogopite as a clay mineral in Early Cambrian phosphorite (Lesser Himalaya, India): The trioctahedral analog of illite
Gerhard Franz, Dorothee Hippler, Dieter Rhede, Richard Wirth, Dhiraj Mohan Banerjee and Nicolaj Mahlstedt
Item #AM-14-1109
Appendix Figures.
FranzAM-14-1109.zip zipped (3.7 MB)
2378 | A model for calculating the viscosity of natural iron-bearing silicate melts over a wide range of temperatures, pressures, oxygen fugacites, and compositions
Xianzhe Duan
Item #AM-14-1101
Electronic Supplement.
DuanAM-14-1101.zip zipped (667 KB)
2405 | Synthesis of a quenchable high-pressure form of magnetite (h-Fe3O4) with composition Fe1(Fe2+0.75Mg0.26)Fe2(Fe3+0.70Cr0.15Al0.11Si0.04)2O4
Monika Koch-Müller, Enrico Mugnaioli, Dieter Rhede, Sergio Speziale, Ute Kolb and Richard Wirth
Item #AM-14-1110
Supplemental Table, Figure, and CIF.
KochMullerAM-14-1110.zip zipped (1.1 MB)
2416 | High-pressure elasticity of sodium majorite garnet, Na2MgSi5O12
Mainak Mookherjee
Item #AM-14-1112
Figure and Table.
MookherjeeAM-14-1112.zip zipped (2.9 MB)
2433 | Steinhardtite, a new body-centered-cubic allotropic form of aluminum from the Khatyrka CV3 carbonaceous chondrite
Luca Bindi, Nan Yao, Chaney Lin, Lincoln S. Hollister, Glenn J. MacPherson, Gerald R. Poirier, Christopher L. Andronicos, Vadim V. Distler, Michael P. Eddy, Alexander Kostin, Valery Kryachko, William M. Steinhardt and Marina Yudovskaya
Item #AM-14-1111
Table 1 and CIF.
BindiAM-14-1111.zip zipped (163 KB)