Miscellaneous Notes
1921 p90
Minerals from York, Pa. M. L. Jandorf. The writer recently found in a local limestone quarry the following minerals,
unusual for this region: barite, in colorless, pale greenish, golden wine-yellow, and white crystals; minute pyrite
crystals in perfect cubes and modified, the latter type encrusting crystals of barite; deep purple fluorite; and
transparent calcite crystals a few mm, in diameter, of almost perfect rhombohedral form. Unfortunately the number of
specimens obtained is insufficient to permit them to be offered in exchange.
An apparatus for growing large crystals has recently been patented by Dr. Otto Dreibrodt, of Bitterfeld, Germany (U. S.
Pat. 1,353,571, Sept. 21, 1920). The plan consists in circulating the liquid past the suspended growing crystal, and
cooling the liquid on its way into the crystallizing vessel.
1921 p91
The thirty-ninth regular meeting of the NEWARK MINERALOGICAL SOCIETY was called to order by Pres. Walther, with 11
members present, also 7 members of the New York Mineralogical Club, who had been invited to attend in a body. After the
regular routine of business, Mr. Headley read a paper on "The More Unusual Minerals of N. J." Hydrophane,
apatite, barite, opal, hyalite, and galenite were reported from Jersey City; sphalerite from Snake Hill; siderite,
chalcopyrite, microcline, byssolite, gold, azurite, malachite, cuprite, native lead and silver were also mentioned.
Mr. Walther then read a paper on "Chemistry in Relation to Mineralogy" in which he said that most collectors
did not know the symbols of the chemical elements, and advised such to study up on this matter. Proposals for membership
were made by the secretary of Mr. J. A. Grenzig, of Brooklyn, and Mr. O. I. Lee, of Newark.
Wm. H. BROADWELL, Secretary
1921 p 120
Press, Accra, Gold Coast, 1919; thru Min. Abstr., 1, 16, 1.920.
Small diamonds were found in Feb,, 1919 in the gravels of the Abomo Su and the neighboring streams. 175 stones weighed
4-13/32 carats, the largest 1/8 carat,. Good crystals showing octahedron and dodecahedron were observed. The gravels
contain also topaz, zircon, black sand, garnet, corundum, rutile, and tourmaline in addition to quartz. The association
suggests a granite pegmatite origin.{ DVB - well they missed that one - should be kimberlite}
THE ALA VALLEY AND ITS MINERALS. EMILIO REPOSSI.. Riv. Sci. Nat. "Natura," Pavia, 10, 89-132, 1919; thru Min.
Abstr., 1, 13, 1920.
A detailed description of 11 localities in this region renowned for its wealth
of minerals. The minerals occur in bands in the serpentine and include
garnet, vesuvianite, diopside, epidote, apatite, clinochlore, magnetite, olivine
and titanolivine, albite, prehnite, sphene, etc. Copper, cobalt and nickel
minerals have been found in the mountains south of the Valley. [A copy of
this article has been received by the Editor from its author; this will gladly
be. loaned to any one expecting to visit the region, and who wishes to translate
it.] W. F. H.
LAKE OF THE VOLCANO SHIRANE, KOZUKE, JAPAN. R. Ohashi .J. Akita Mining Coll., No. 1, 1-10, 1919.
Hollow spherical bodies of S float on the surface of the boiling crater-lake, while grains and vertical tubes of S are
found in the mud at the bottom. Ascending H2S
hissing thru molten S below the mud is believed to explain these occurrences. Three types of S are represented by this
volcano, (1) pneumatolytic, around solfataras and in the fissures, (2) hydatogene, as beds of flour-sulfur in the crater
lakes, and (3) from fusion, at the bottom of the
crater lakes. W. F. H.
1921 p129
NEW YORK MINERALOGICAL CLUB Regular Monthly Meeting of Wednesday, March 16, 1921
The regular monthly meeting of the New York Mineralogical Club was held in the Academy Room of the American Museum of
Natural History on the evening of March 16th, at 8.15 P.M. The President, Dr. George F, Kunz presided and there was an
attendance of 72 members and visitors. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Mr. O. I. Lee showed a
specimen of lava from Mt. Erebus collected on the Shackleton Expedition, also a specimen of granite collected 415 miles
from the South Pole (Beardmore Glacier).
Mr. Radu then spoke on "The Luminescence of Minerals." He explained the nature of the light waves used and the
meaning of the expression
mm (millionth of a millimeter). He showed on the black board the wave-lengths of the principal
rays used and explained the effect on certain minerals of vibrations produced by rays outside the spectrum. He then took
up the subjects of fluorescence, phosphorescence and radioactivity, giving a short history of fluorescence and
phosphorescence. The room being darkened, these effects were demonstrated in a very striking manner by means of
apparatus which had been set up. Fluorescence produced by heat on pectolite was shown. Phosphorescence was produced in
fluorite (chlorophane), willemite and troostite in calcite.
Dr. Kunz being called upon by the speaker showed a remarkable example of a phosphorescent diamond. Capt. Miller then
exhibited these phenomena in thin sections of various minerals, by means of a specially equipped microscope which
brought out many very striking effects.
A vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. Radu and to Capt. Miller.
HERBERT P. WHITLOCK, Recording Secretary
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, June 9, 1921
The June meeting of the Philadelphia Mineralogical Society was held on the above date, Dr. Hawkins presiding. Fourteen
members and three visitors were present. Upon recommendation by the Council, Dr. L. C. Wills was elected to active
Thru the courtesy of Dr. F. G. Kneer of New York, Dr. Hawkins was able to show a collection of 125 lantern slides of
choice mineral specimens, which were extremely well colored, and strikingly realistic. Many groups in the Bement
collection were included, those of calcite, quartz, malachite, azurite, tourmaline and fluorite being particularly
Mr. Biernbaum reported a three-day trip with Messrs. Frankenfield, Trudell, and Wills, to Falls of French Creek, the
Birdsboro trap quarry, and Phoenixville, which resulted in turning up excellent chalcopyrite crystals at French Creek.
Dr. Hawkins and Mr. Knabe reported sallies to Paterson, N. J., and O'Neills quarry, Pa., respectively, with negative
1928 p456
Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meetings of February, March, April and May.
On the afternoon of February 5th, Mr. Wm. H. Broadwell read a paper on "Mercury." A complete history of this
metal was presented covering nomenclature, age, common and rare mineral species containing mercury, uses, (and abuses),
etc. All the various mineral species were exhibited. Mr. Broadwell also made the statement that as high as 50 per cent
of mercury is being recovered from scrap rubber.
At the March meeting twenty-four members were present. The committee on the New Jersey State
list of minerals advised that this work be postponed. Mr. Broadwell reported upon and had on exhibition the latest new
mineral from Franklin, calcium-larsenite. He stated that this mineral showed a bright canary yellow fluorescence under
the iron arc, quite distinctive from that of willemite.
The April meeting was held on March 29th at Columbia University, New York City, in order to
view the Eggleston collection of minerals. Dr. Blank of Columbia University spoke on "Some Applications of the
Polarizing Microscope as Applied to the Identification of Minerals." At the close of the address the members
examined many specimens under microscopes, illustrating the various points brought out in the address.
The May meeting, the last indoor meeting until October, opened with an attendance of twenty-one
members. Several reports were given. The Outing Committee reported that a field trip would be arranged for some Sunday
in May. Mr. J. G. Manchester then gave a lecture on "The Artistry of Minerals." This was illustrated by means
of one-hundred colored lantern slides.
Wm. H. BROADWELL, Secretary
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