Mineralogical Society of America, Founded December 30, 1919

Mineral-Related Links


Free Textbooks for College-Level Mineralogy Courses

Mineralogy (2020) - Dexter Perkins, University of North Dakota, with significant contributions came from Miranda Shanks, Elizabeth Perkins, Douglas Perkins, Kevin Henke, Alyssa Schultz, Paige Tibke, Hunter Morris, and Josh Crowell. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License and is intended for educational purposes only. This is the beta version of this book. When you find obvious factual or writing mistakes, let Dexter Perkins know.

Principles of Stable Isotope Geochemistry, 2nd Edition - Zachary Sharp, University of New Mexico. It is written as a textbook to accompany a one semester course in Stable Isotope Geochemistry. There are 13 chapters, each dealing with a specific subtopic of the field. Other than Chapters 1 and 2 – introduction and definitions – most of the remaining chapters can be read without reliance on the preceding ones. It is also hoped that the book will serve as a general reference volume for researchers in the field.

Science and Technology Resources on the Internet - The Geosciences: Selected Web Resources - This bibliography contains links to and brief descriptions of a variety of web resources, including reference works, publication indexes, style and citation manuals, photographs and images, earth science education resources as well as sources related to specific sub-disciplines of the geological sciences. Compiled by Linda Zellmer of Western Illinois University.

Mineral and Petrology Databases

Athena Mineralogy -

Mindat.org - The largest mineral database on the internet. It was started by Jolyon Ralph in 1993 as a PC mineralogy software package for his own use - and was launched for free on the web in October 2000. Currently there are 11,125 different minerals, varieties and synonyms listed, and information on 144,323 mineral occurrences worldwide, from 26,867 different sites. What makes mindat.org different is you can take part. People all over the world are already adding their information into the database - it doesn't matter if you're an expert or not - you can help - register and add in the information on your local sites.

Mineral Database - mineral data on individual species searchable by crystallography (and a tutorial), X-ray powderdiffraction, chemical composition, physical and optical properties, Dana's New classification, Strunz classification, mineral pictures, and alphabetical listings of mineral species. By David Barthelmy.

Minerals Yearbook (US Bureau of Mines, 1932-1993) and Minerals Yearbook (US Geological Survey, current) - reviews the mineral and material industries of the United States and foreign countries. The Yearbook contains statistical data on materials and minerals and includes information on economic and technical trends and development.

Mineralienatlas-English or Mineralienatlas-German - Mineralienatlas is a non-commercial project with a focus on mineralogy, paleontology, geology, mining, and deposits (localities). By "The Team".

Mineral Spectroscopy Server - information about color in minerals and access to data on Mineral Absorption Spectra in the visible and infrared regions of the spectrum and Raman spectra of minerals. Most data on the server were obtained in the California Institute of Technology mineral spectroscopy labs.

Zeolite Database - provides structural information on all zeolite structure types. This includes crystallographic data and drawings for all zeolite framework types, simulated powder patterns for representative materials and relevant references. By the Structure Commission of the International Zeolite Association.

LEPR, the Library of Experimental Phase Relations - an online database of experimentally determined magmatic phase relations compiled by members of Marc Hirschmann’s and Tim Groves’s research groups at the University of Minnesota and MIT and the database structure and web interface was built by Mark Ghiorso of OFM Research. LEPR contains experimental data on coexisting minerals and melts quenched from magmatic experiments, including phase compositions and, when available, proportions. LEPR also includes data pertaining to experimental techniques, such as the type of experimental device and container employed during each experiment, the duration of each experiment, and so on. Experimental conditions range from 0.1 MPa to 27 GPa and from 500 to 2550°C. More data will be added in the future. User registration is required but access is free.

MineralPedia by Tom Loomis of Dakota Matrix Minerals - alphabetical listing of the minerals combined with short descriptions the mineral's properties, the origin of its name, as well as geographic and geologic occurrences.

Igneous Rock Databases

PetDB database - for oceanic igneous rocks. To look at the data in geographical context use GeoMapApp http://www.geomapapp.org/

GeoRoc database - .

Geochemical Earth Reference Model - .

EarthChem - This web site gives you access to data systems and services for geochemical, geochronological, and petrological data, developed and maintained by EarthChem, including the EarthChem Library, the EarthChem Portal, PetDB, NAVDAT, SedDB, and Geochron. EarthChem develops and maintains databases, software, and services that support the preservation, discovery, access and analysis of geochemical data, and facilitate their integration with the broad array of other available earth science parameters. EarthChem is operated by a joint team of disciplinary scientists, data scientists, data managers and information technology developers who are part of the NSF-funded data facility Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA).

Geokem - .

Mineral Resources On-Line Spatial Data - Interactive maps and downloadable data for regional and global Geology, Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Mineral Resources from the USGS.

IGBA - IGneous data BAse - Global Database in Igneous Petrology.

Mineral discussion and message boards

The Mineral Deposits Studies Group (MDSG) is a special interest group associated with the Geological Society, the Mineralogical Society and the Institute of Materials Minerals and Mining (IOM3) They use the Geo-mineralisation listserver to distribute emails and information. Join Geo-mineralisation. To post to the list, email your message to geo-mineralisation@jiscmail.ac.uk

FMF - Minerals Forum - a place to share questions and answers with other mineral enthusiasts in both English and Spanish. Created by Jordi Fabre, it is moderated by John S. White and Peter Megaw to provide high standards in terms of its scientific content.

MSA-Talk - The MSA-Talk list is a forum created for members of MSA and non-members to discuss topics of interest in the general areas of mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, and crystallography.


Glossary of Clay Science from Clays Minerals Society

Sites devoted to (K-12) education

Mineralogy 4 Kids from the Mineralogical Society of America

Learning About The Rock Cycle from StartLocal® from Australia

Common Minerals and Their Uses from Scienesy - a group of science-loving nerds.

Sites devoted to Education & Career Resources

EnvironmentalScience.org's mission is to be the most reliable and expansive advocate for environmental science education and careers. On it's website EnvironmentalScience.org has information about scholarships, internships, degress, and careers. There are specific write-ups about:

Directory of Mineralogy Museums

directory of mineralogy museums grouped by country in alphabetical order from the Mineralogical Society of Antwerp, Belgium.

Mineral, Gem, and Geology shows

Listings of upcoming Mineral, Gem, and Geology shows from

Tutorials & Courses

Crystallography tutorials, sites by:

Steffen Weber - quasicrystals, nanotubes and nanocones, fullerenes

Jeff Weeks' Topology and Geometry Software. Play with the 17 plane groups, the 10 point groups (plus 5-fold symmetry) and even symmetry along a line geometrygames.org. Click on Kali, and download the appropriate version. Easy to use, just start it and click away.

Basic Concrete and Cement Principles and Terminology Used in the Industry, A BASIC CONCRETE AND CEMENT TUTORIAL by Arden Albee.

Gemology tutorials, sites by:

Mark Helper - course information, lecture handouts, on-line lecture notes, old exams, gem notes, handouts, bibliography, etc.

Paul Gian - 23 Amazing Sites For Free Gemology Courses & Resources

Mineralogy tutorials and courses, sites by:

Mineralogy Richard April, Colgate University
Mineralogy Bob Downs & Giba Ganguly, University of Arizona
Mineralogy Barb Dutrow, Louisiana State University
Mineralogy and Optics Inci Evren Ertan and Andreas Luttge, Rice University
Mineralogy & Optics Bill Leeman, Rice University
Mineralogy Joseph Smyth, University of Colorado

Optical Crystallography tutorials, sites by:

Optical crystallography Olaf Medenbach, Ruhr-Universität Bochum: Optical Crystallography, Micro-refractometer spindle stage, and Microdrill
rockPTX Frank K. Mazdab, University of Arizona: Optical mineralogy tutorials as well as an online collection of nearly 300 scanned thin sections and its accompanying petrologic, mineralogic and analytical data. There is also an extensive video atlas of minerals in thin section, comprised of short (~30 s) videos of some 200 minerals in transmitted light PPL, XP, and also with accompanying optic figures.

Montana State University and the Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College site containing a Digital Collection of Teaching Materials:

Teaching Mineralogy.

Teaching Petrology.

Teaching Geochemistry.

Optical Mineralogy and Petrography.

Clay Mineralogy.

Mineral Physics.

Volcanoes, sites by:

Michigan Tech -

Sites devoted to a specific mineral(s) or rock(s)

Calcite -

Famous Stones -

Fluorite -

Halite (= Table Salt) -

Quartz Page - Amir Chossrow Akhavan

Tourmaline - Darrell Henry

Vermiculite - The Vermiculite Association (TVA)

Zeolite Database - provides structural information on all zeolite structure types. This includes crystallographic data and drawings for all zeolite framework types, simulated powder patterns for representative materials and relevant references. By the Structure Commission of the International Zeolite Association.

Sites devoted to pictures of outcrops, rocks, and minerals

e-rock.co by Adam Cawood and Clare Bond at The University of Aberdeen. An open-source repository of virtual outcrops. The majority of virtual outcrops and samples are downloadable and free to use under Creative Commons Attribution. Users can download 3D models, perform analysis and use eRocK as a teaching tool. To enhance the potential of models as research and teaching tools, the authors aim to provide metadata, links to key references, and coordinates of all virtual outcrops and samples

The Online Mineral Museum of John Betts Fine Minerals - contains over 60,000 photographs of 30,000+ mineral specimens representing 1491 valid mineral species searchable by mineral name, varietal name, mineral group, or locality.

YupRocks.com by Brooks R. Dillard - high-resolution rock and mineral pictures to help visitors in the field identification of rock and mineral specimens and promote the aesthetic value and natural wonder of rocks and minerals through the use of rock and mineral pictures.

MineralPedia by Tom Loomis of Dakota Matrix Minerals - alphabetical listing of the minerals combined with short descriptions the mineral's properties, the origin of its name, as well as geographic and geologic occurrences.

Sites devoted to a specific mineralogical topic

Alkaline mineral localities of the world -

Color in Minerals - Mineral Spectroscopy Server, California Institute of Technology

Why Minerals Are Colored - Steven Dutch, Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Wisconsin - Green Bay

Dana Classification of Minerals (new) -

Famous Stones -

Fluid inclusions -

Fluorescent minerals, sites by:

Mineral Collecting, sites by:

Minerals Publications and Data Products of the U.S. Geological Survey - this is the place to look for information about mineral commodities: uses, industry, production, prices, publications, occurrences, etc. It also contains of list of commodity specialiists who might be able to answer your questions about the economic aspects of mineral commodities.

Mineral Spectroscopy -

Planetary Sciences -

Silver Institute - everything you would want to know about silver.

spectroscopyNOW.com - (John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.)

Virtual Cave (and cave minerals) -

Zeolite Database - provides structural information on all zeolite structure types. This includes crystallographic data and drawings for all zeolite framework types, simulated powder patterns for representative materials and relevant references. By the Structure Commission of the International Zeolite Association.

Sites devoted to mineral localities

Arkansas , USA -

Czech Republic -

Herkimer, New York, USA -

Italian Mineral News, (in Italian and English)

Lengenbach Quarry, Binntal, Wallis, Switzerland -

North Carolina Blue Ridge - as well as field trip reports from all over the country

Thuringian Forest, Germany - agates

On-Line Spatial Data of Mineral Resources

U.S. Geologiclal Survey Interactive maps and downloadable data for regional and global Geology, Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Mineral Resources

Sites devoted to history of mineralogy

Sites devoted to mining, tunnelling and quarrying industries


Sites devoted to biographies of mineralogists

René-Just Haüy (1743-1822)

Philatelic Mineralogy : Gem, Rock, and Mineral Postage Stamps from Around the World. Searchable by either country or mineral.

Diamonds on Stamps

Rock and Fossil Stamps of the United States

Virtual transmitted and reflected light Petrographic Microscopes

rockPTX.com, Frank K. Mazdab. This site is an online collection of nearly 300 scanned thin sections and its accompanying petrologic, mineralogic and analytical data. There is also an extensive video atlas of minerals in thin section, comprised of short (~30 s) videos of some 200 minerals in transmitted light PPL, XP, and also with accompanying optic figures, as well optical mineralogy tutorials.

Virtual Atlas of Opaque and Ore Minerals in their Associations, Robert A. Ixer and Paul R. Duller. This site provides over 400 full colour photomicrographs of the major ore-forming associations and opaque minerals in non-mineralized rocks. It describes typical examples of each material from many classical localities throughout the world. For each association there is a listing of the major (and important minor) primary ore minerals, alteration products and gangue, typical textures, a brief discussion of the geology of the association and a list of references.

Writing Resources

Top 100 Thesis and Dissertaion References on the Web: best resources online for those who need to buckle down and finish a Master’s Thesis or Doctoral Dissertation.

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or write Mineralogical Society of America, 3635 Concorde Pkwy Ste 500, Chantilly, VA 20151-1110 United States Tel +1 (703) 652-9950 Fax +1 (703) 652-9951