Mineralogical Society of America, Founded December 30, 1919

Volume 67: Amphiboles:
Crystal Chemistry, Occurrence, and Health Issues

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Description    Table of Contents    List of Volumes

Volume 67: Amphiboles: Crystal Chemistry, Occurrence, and Health Issues
Frank C. Hawthorne, Roberta Oberti, Giancarlo Della Ventura, and Annibale Mottana, editors

2007, i-xxv + 545 pages. ISBN 0-939950-79-0; ISBN13 978-0-939950-79-9

Over 25 years ago, Volume 9 of Reviews in Mineralogy: Amphiboles and Other Hydrous Pyriboles seemed to contain all that was possible to know about this group of fascinating minerals. The subsequent twenty-five years have shown that this assessment was wrong: Nature was keeping a lot in reserve, and has since revealed considerable new complexity in the constitution and behavior of amphiboles. Some of the advances in knowledge have been due to the use of new experimental techniques, some have been due to the investigation of hitherto neglected rock-types, and some have been due to the development of new ideas.

  1. The identification and systematic investigation of variable LLE (Light Lithophile Elements), particularly Li and H, led to the identification of several new amphibole species and the recognition that variable Li and H play an important role in chemical variations in amphiboles from both igneous and metamorphic parageneses. In turn, this work drove the development of microbeam SIMS to analyze LLE in amphiboles.
  2. Detailed mineralogical work on metasyenites showed hitherto unexpected solid-solution between Na and Li at the M(4) site in monoclinic amphiboles, a discovery that has upset the current scheme of amphibole classification and nomenclature and initiated new efforts in this direction.
  3. Systematic and well-planned synthesis of amphiboles, combined with careful spectroscopy, has greatly furthered our understanding of cation and anion order in amphiboles.
  4. The use of bond-valence theory to predict patterns of SRO (Short-Range Order) in amphiboles, and use of these predictions to understand the infrared spectra of well-characterized synthetic-amphibole solid-solutions, has shown that SRO is a major feature of the amphibole structure, and has resulted in major advances in our understanding of SRO in minerals.
  5. There has been significant progress relating changes in amphibole composition and cation ordering to petrogenetic conditions and trace-element behavior.
  6. Work on the nature of fibrous amphiboles and their toxicity and persistence in living organisms has emphasized the importance of accurate mineralogical characterization in environmental and health-related problems.

The current volume has taken a different approach from previous volumes concerned with major groups of rock-forming minerals. Some of the contents have previously been organized by the investigative technique or groups of similar techniques: crystal-structure refinement, spectroscopy, TEM etc. Here, we have taken an approach that focuses on aspects of amphiboles rather than experimental techniques: crystal chemistry, new compositions, long-range order, short-range order etc., and all experimental results germane to these topics are discussed in each chapter. The intent of this approach is to focus on amphiboles, and to emphasize that many techniques are necessary to fully understand each aspect of the amphiboles and their behavior in both natural and industrial processes.

Frank C. Hawthorne, Winnipeg, Canada
Roberta Oberti, Pavia, Italy
Giancarlo Della Ventura, Roma, Italy
Annibale Mottana, Roma, Italy
August, 2007

Contents of Volume 67

Title Page
p. i

p. ii

From the Editors & Preface
p. iii - iv

Table of Contents
p. v - xvi

Chapter 1. Amphiboles: Crystal Chemistry
by Frank C. Hawthorne and Roberta Oberti, p. 1 - 54

Chapter 2. Classification of the Amphiboles
by Frank C. Hawthorne and Roberta Oberti, p. 55 - 88

Chapter 3. New Amphibole Compositions: Natural and Synthetic
by Roberta Oberti, Giancarlo Della Ventura, and Fernando Cámara, p. 89 - 124

Chapter 4. Long-Range Order in Amphiboles
by Roberta Oberti, Frank C. Hawthorne, Elio Cannillo, and Fernando Cámara, p. 125 - 172

Chapter 5. Short-Range Order in Amphiboles
by Frank C. Hawthorne and Giancarlo Della Ventura, p. 173 - 222

Chapter 6. Non-Ambient in situ Studies of Amphiboles
by Mark D. Welch, Fernando Camara, Giancarlo Della Ventura, and Gianluca Iezzi, p. 223 - 260

Chapter 7. The Synthesis and Stability of Some End-Member Amphiboles
by Bernard W. Evans, p. 261 - 286

Chapter 8. The Significance of the Reaction Path in Synthesizing Single-Phase Amphibole of Defined Composition
by Walter V. Maresch and Michael Czank, p. 287 - 322

Chapter 9. Amphiboles in the Igneous Environment
by Robert F. Martin, p. 323 - 358

Chapter 10. Metamorphic Amphiboles: Composition and Coexistence
by John C. Schumacher, p. 359 - 416

Chapter 11. Trace-Element Partitioning Between Amphibole and Silicate Melt
by Massimo Tiepolo, Roberta Oberti, Alberto Zanetti, Riccardo Vannucci, and Stephen F. Foley, p. 417 - 452

Chapter 12. Amphiboles: Environmental and Health Concerns
by Mickey E. Gunter, Elena Belluso, and Annibale Mottana, p. 453 - 516

Chapter 13. Amphiboles: Historical Perspective
by Curzio Cipriani, p. 517 - 546

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