Mineralogical Society of America

MSA Position Statements

[revised 2/28/2011]


As one of the largest society of professional mineralogists, petrologists, crystallographers and geochemists in the world, The Mineralogical Society of America (MSA) bears a responsibility for providing international leadership in issues that affect, and are affected by, the mineral sciences. These topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Education in the Earth sciences at the K-16 levels;
  • Governmental policies involving the study, usage, and regulation of Earth materials;
  • Preservation of our cultural heritage with respect to mineral sciences; and
  • Amateur and professional scientific investigations within mineralogy, crystallography, petrology and geochemistry.

An MSA position statement represents the organization's official stand on the issue of interest.

Criteria for an MSA Policy Statement
What to Submit
Where to Submit
Adoption Process
Sunset Clause

Criteria for an MSA Policy Statement

A position statement should express or espouse a principle or policy of timely significance to the MSA community. The position statement should be consistent with the purpose of MSA and supportive of the disciplines represented by and activities undertaken by MSA and its endeavors, including its publications (e.g., American Mineralogist, RiMG volumes), its programs (e.g., Lecture Program, Short Courses), and functions (professional society, membership in IMA, etc.). A position statement, in and of itself, should not put at risk the corporate and non-profit status of MSA or commit MSA to undue financial liability or risk.

What to Submit

Any member of MSA may propose a position statement. The proposed position statement should be concise. It should be accompanied by a description of the issue with supporting documentation. If you include copyrighted material published elsewhere, either obtain the permssion needed to post it on the MSA website or provide a link to it.

Where to Submit

Mineralogical Society of America
3635 Concorde Pkwy Ste 500
Chantilly VA 20151-1110 USA
Tel: +1 (703) 652-9950
Fax: +1 (703) 652-9951
E-mail: aspeer@minsocam.org

Adoption Process

The proposed statement should be submitted to the MSA Executive Director. The MSA Executive Director will forward proposed statements to the MSA Executive Committee for initial deliberation. The Executive Committee will evaluate the proposal in terms of the criteria and will work with the proposer to improve the statement, if necessary.

If, after review and possible revision, it is supported by a consensus of the committee, the Executive Committee will have the position statement posted on the MSA web site for commentary by the membership and the public. The web site commentary period, will last 3 months, with a deadline explicitly specified on the web pages. Upon posting of a new position statement proposal, the MSA membership will be notified by email via the MSA list server.

Comments on proposed position statements will be submitted online through the MSA website accompanied by the commenter's name and affiliation. Anonymous comments will not be accepted. After vetting by the MSA business office, comments will be displayed on the MSA web site. When the review period closes, the Executive Director will forward all comments to the MSA Executive Committee for review.

The Executive Committee will proceed in one of three directions:

  1. Upon a 2/3 majority it may place the proposed statement with supporting material on the agenda for the next Council meeting;
  2. it may refuse to consider the statement, having the Secretary return the proposal with a written response; or
  3. it may have the Secretary return the proposal with any recommendations for revision.

If the Executive Committee decides further MSA evaluation is required, it will appoint an ad hoc committee to explore the ramifications of the statement and report back to the Executive Committee with its findings within 3 months, with or without a recommendation. The Executive Committee will decide whether to return the proposal to its originator for revision or as unacceptable to MSA; a revision will recommence the entire process.

Proposed position statements that are submitted to the MSA Council will be adopted by a 2/3 majority vote. If the Council adopts a proposed position statement, the statement will be advertised in Elements, the American Mineralogist, the MSA web site, and any other public venues deemed appropriate by the Council. If Council votes down a position statement, it must decide whether to request revisions, request the President to create an ad hoc committee for further study, or return the proposal with the decision of Council.

Sunset Clause

The MSA Council should reevaluate a position statement every 4 years, to assess whether it retains suitable value and purpose as it expressed when adopted.

MSA Logo

MSA Policy Statements


Accepted Policy Statements

Preservation of Natural History Collections: Minerals and Rocks


Code of Conduct at MSA Events

Proposed Policy Statements open for comments

To propose a Policy Statement or comment on a Policy Statement during its comment period, contact:

Mineralogical Society of America
3635 Concorde Pkwy Ste 500
Chantilly VA 20151-1125 USA
Tel: +1 (703) 652-9950
Fax: +1 (703) 652-9951
E-mail: aspeer@minsocam.org

Did you use a MSA Policy Statement? Tell us how.


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